Announcement 217

Dear students and doctors,

it is great pleasure and honor to invite you to Košice for the 8th International Student Medical Congress! Application process started on 15th of November 2015. Here you can find all the necessary information to consider before you apply.

8th International Student Medical Congress (ISMCK 2015) is taking place in Košice, Slovakia 22. – 24. 6. 2016 and invites all medical students and doctors to present their research papers. Our congress is the result of the effort by a group of medical students and alumni from University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice. ISMCK will take place under the patronage of the President of Slovak republic, Andrej Kiska. Our goal is to strengthen the international cooperation among medical students worldwide. We are thrilled to hear your ideas in both oral or poster presentations. You can send papers concerning clinical medicine, public health, basic science and PhD research papers.

As every year, there will be rich program in both medical and social fields. You can join trainings, skill sessions and lectures or simply enjoy our cultural program.

Come and share scientific ideas, subjects and opinions!

Registration process started on 15th of November 2015 on and deadline for submission abstracts is on 1st March 2016.

Deadline for passive registration is 30th May 2016.


For more information, see our website,

follow us on facebook

or in case of any question simply mail us to


We are looking forward to meet you in Košice!


On behalf of OC,


Mária Gazdačková

PR manager ISMCK 2016

Categories: Announcements