Announcements. Bekenova N.B.

The PhD thesis «Immunogenetic bases of development forecasting and character of flow of the erysipelas in Kazakh nationality» the specialty 6D110100 – Medicine, done by Nazira B. Bekenova, will be defended at the dissertation council at the Semey State Medical University.

The dissertation was done at the department of neurology, psychiatry and infectious diseases at the Semey State Medical University.

The defense will be held in Russian language. 



Saule T. Doskozhaeva – doctor of medical sciences (14.00.10-infectious diseases), professor, vice rector for academic affairs, head of the infectious diseases department of the Kazakh Medical University of Continuing Education, Almaty.

Haphiza S. Zhetpisbayeva – doctor of medical sciences (14.00.36-allergology and immunology), head of the immunology and dermatovenerology department of the Semey State Medical University.


Scientific consultants:

Lidia A. Mukovozova – doctor of medical sciences, professor of the neurology, psychiatry and infectious diseases department of the Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan.

Nurlan E. Aukenov – candidate of medical sciences, the head of united educational and scientific laboratory of the Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan.

Andrej M. Grjibovski – PhD, Professor, Norvegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway.


The defense will take place at 14.00 on November 16th, 2016 at the Dissertation council at the Semey State Medical University; address: Semey, Abay Str., 103, the large conference hall.



Scientific Secretary: Alma Z. Tokayeva: phone: (cell) +77013559338, (work) 8 (7222) 522094 (int. 1092), e-mail:



Appendix № 1- short annotation,

№ 2- dissertation,

№3 – list of publications,

№4 -advisers reviews.