Announcements. Laura T.Kassym

The PhD thesis «Diagnostic criteria of fibrosis progression in chronic diffuse liver diseases» on specialty 6D110100 – Medicine, performed by Laura T.Kassym, will be defended at the Dissertation Board of Semey State Medical University.

The dissertation was performed at the department of internal diseases of Semey State Medical University.

The defense will be held on Russian. 



Zulfiya M. Zhankalova – doctor of medical sciences (14.00.05-internal diseases), associated professor of Department of propaedeutics of internal diseases of Kazakh National medical university named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty.

Djamilya A. Kajbullayeva – candidate of medical sciences (14.00.05-internal diseases), acting associated professor of Department of gastroenterology, hepatology with course of endoscopy of RK MHSD Cardiology and internal diseases research institute, Almaty.


Scientific consultants:

Zauresh K. Zhumadilova – doctor of medical sciences, professor of Department of internal diseases, Semey State Medical University, Kazakhstan.

Asad Dajani – doctor of medicine, ADSM Specialized Medical Center, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

The defense will be held at 09.00 a.m. on 13th of December, 2016 at the Dissertation Board of Semey State Medical University; address: Semey, Abay Str., 103, the large conference hall.



Scientific Secretary: Alma Z. Tokayeva: CELL +77013559338, office 8 (7222) 522094 (int. 1092), e-mail:

Technical Secretary: Gaukhar K. Amantayeva: CELL +77471894107, office 8 (7222) 522094 (int. 1092), e-mail:


Appendices № 1- annotation, № 2- dissertation, №3 – list of publications, №4 -consultants reviews.