Workshop on the HARMONEE project

Workshop on the HARMONEE project

On October 15, 2021, the HARMONEE project held a regular workshop within the framework of ERASMUS+. It was attended by all members of the project working group, as well as representatives of practical health care: statistician of Semey Railway Hospital LLP Asanova Sh.B., epidemiologist specialist of Semey City Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the SEC Department of Abai Region of the SEC Committee of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan D.B. Tlekina, as well as hygiene specialist of Radiation Protection Company LLP R.Zh  Fatkullina.

Two issues were discussed on the agenda of the meeting: 1. Preparation for external monitoring of work on the HARMONEE project. 2. The relevance of thematic plans for new master’s degree modules in the specialties “Public Health” and “Preventive Medicine”, within the framework of the HARMONEE project. It is planned to develop and implement the following 4 modules: One Health, Rural Health, Promotion of preventive medicine and Radiotoxology. These thematic plans are presented to leading specialists of practical healthcare for discussion and consideration of the relevance of the proposed topics.[vc_row dt_title=”” mode=”grid” responsiveness=”browser_width_based” bwb_columns=”desktop:1|h_tablet:1|v_tablet:1|phone:1″ pwb_column_min_width=”” pwb_columns=”” gap_between_posts=”5px” loading_effect=”fade_in” image_sizing=”proportional” resized_image_dimensions=”1×1″ image_border_radius=”0px” image_decoration=”none” shadow_h_length=”0px” shadow_v_length=”4px” shadow_blur_radius=”12px” shadow_spread=”3px” shadow_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.25)” image_scale_animation_on_hover=”disabled” image_hover_bg_color=”default” custom_rollover_bg_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)” custom_rollover_bg_gradient=”45deg|rgba(12,239,154,0.8) 0%|rgba(0,108,220,0.8) 50%|rgba(184,38,220,0.8) 100%” hover_animation=”fade” show_zoom=”y” gallery_image_zoom_icon=”icomoon-the7-font-the7-zoom-06″ project_icon_size=”32px” project_icon_color=”#ffffff” project_icon_bg_size=”44px” project_icon_bg=”n” project_icon_bg_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.3)” project_icon_border_radius=”100px” project_icon_border_width=”0px” project_icon_border_color=”” loading_mode=”disabled” jsp_posts_per_page=”” jsp_show_all_pages=”n” jsp_gap_before_pagination=”” jsm_posts_per_page=”” jsm_gap_before_pagination=”” jsl_posts_per_page=”” navigation_font_color=”” navigation_accent_color=”” include=”” dt_project_icon_title=”” css_dt_gallery=””][vc_column]


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