Young clinician-2021

On November 09, 2021 at the department of general medical practice of the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch of the NJSC “SMU” was held the Olympiad “Young clinician-2021” . Оrganized and conducted the Olympiad interns of the 725th group: Mubarakova Aidana, Karmenova Araу, Zhunus Dana, Slyambekova Elmira, Nursoltanov Kuanysh, Dikenov Ermukhamed under the guidance of the assistant of…

The work of outstanding people

This year is a 155th year since Älihan Bökeihan, a prominent statesman and politician, founder and leader of the Alash national democratic party, environmental scientist, talented publicist, linguist, poet and a translator was born. On the 1st of November, 2021, teaching staff and students of the Therapeutic Dentistry department organized a historical dispute with a…

On November 4, 2021, a meeting of Kazakhstani partners of the HARMONEE project consortium took place.

On November 4, 2021, a meeting of Kazakhstani partners of the HARMONEE project consortium took place. Recommendations according to the monitoring report from the National Office were discussed, including strengthening the impact of the project at the individual and institutional levels and increasing the value of knowledge and skills acquired in previous CANERIEH and TUTORIAL…

Attention, the competition!

A competition is being announced for participation in internships at the Summer School 2021 at the University of Milan (Italy) and the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) within the framework of the Erasmus+ grant program of the project “HARMONEE Harmonization and mutual recognition of Master’s programs in occupational health and the environment”. The maximum number of…

Summer School 2021

On 23.09.2021, a meeting of the entire working group of the HARMONEE project on the Summer School was held and the main stages of implementation were discussed.   At the end of the project, several results will be achieved, all of them aimed at improving the level of education of masters in public health, the…