On April 14, 2022 at the Department of Molecular Biology and Medical Genetics named after Academician of NAS RK Raisov T.K., a meeting of the scientific society was held following the results of students’ participation in the 64th scientific and practical conference with international participation “Science and Health”, dedicated to the Day of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which took place April 12-13, 2022 at the NCJSC “Semey Medical University”.
Students – members of the scientific society showed excellent results and won prizes:
1st place – Seksenbayeva Aruzhan, 2104 group, “General medicine”, supervisor Musapirova A.B;
2nd place – Kalelova Malika, 1118 group, “General Medicine”, Samand Abdulkabir, 1221 group, “General Medicine”, supervisors: Orazalina A.S., Mukhamedyarova L.A.
2nd place – Ashirbay Bekzhan, Alimkhanov Alisher, 2102 group, “General Medicine”, Raiymbek Sagyndykov, 2113 group, “General Medicine”, supervisor Ibrayeva G.R, Mukhamedyarova L.A.
3rd place – Salimgozhinova Symbat, 1103 group, “General Medicine”, supervisor Ibrayeva G.R., Galymbekov D.Zh.
The Head of the department, associate professor Orazalina A.S., congratulated each participant and scientific supervisors with awards, presented certificates of participants and noted that in the modern world, success in medicine directly depends on scientific progress, the dynamic introduction of the latest technologies and on the active work and contribution of each to development Sciences. She wished everyone success in their scientific activities and fruitful work.
The Chairman of the students scientific society – Sadykova A., a 4th year student of the Faculty of Dentistry, as well as all students – members of the scientific society shared their impressions and expressed their wishes to continue research activities in the future, thanked for the experience, development, knowledge and training in new skills and competencies.[vc_row dt_title=”” mode=”grid” responsiveness=”browser_width_based” bwb_columns=”desktop:3|h_tablet:2|v_tablet:2|phone:1″ pwb_column_min_width=”” pwb_columns=”” gap_between_posts=”5px” loading_effect=”fade_in” image_sizing=”resize” resized_image_dimensions=”3×2″ image_border_radius=”0px” image_decoration=”none” shadow_h_length=”0px” shadow_v_length=”4px” shadow_blur_radius=”12px” shadow_spread=”3px” shadow_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.25)” image_scale_animation_on_hover=”slow_scale” image_hover_bg_color=”default” custom_rollover_bg_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)” custom_rollover_bg_gradient=”45deg|rgba(12,239,154,0.8) 0%|rgba(0,108,220,0.8) 50%|rgba(184,38,220,0.8) 100%” hover_animation=”fade” show_zoom=”y” gallery_image_zoom_icon=”icomoon-the7-font-the7-zoom-06″ project_icon_size=”32px” project_icon_color=”#ffffff” project_icon_bg_size=”44px” project_icon_bg=”n” project_icon_bg_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.3)” project_icon_border_radius=”100px” project_icon_border_width=”0px” project_icon_border_color=”” loading_mode=”disabled” jsp_posts_per_page=”” jsp_show_all_pages=”n” jsp_gap_before_pagination=”” jsm_posts_per_page=”” jsm_gap_before_pagination=”” jsl_posts_per_page=”” navigation_font_color=”” navigation_accent_color=”” include=”” dt_project_icon_title=”” css_dt_gallery=””][vc_column]