On April 23 this year, in the 2-lecture hall of our university, a subject Olympiad on “General Pathology” was held with the participation of the Departments of Pathological Physiology named after Professor T.A. Nazarova and pathological anatomy and forensic medicine named after Professor Yu.V. Pruglo. The purpose of the Olympiad is to identify and increase the number of talented students who are actively engaged in creative, intellectual activities, as well as to consolidate, improve and deepen knowledge of “General Pathology”. The 2nd year students of the specialty “General Medicine” of the Russian, Kazakh and foreign departments participated in the Olympiad. The first round of the Olympiad included testing students on the main issues of “General Pathology” in form of solving test tasks. Having reached the threshold over 75% successfully passed to the next round – 10 students.
The jury of the Olympiad included: acting Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology named after Nazarova T.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Urazalina N.M., Assistant of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Pruglo Y.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences Zhakipova A.A., Head Teacher of the Department of Pathological of Physiology Kulyamirova Zh.O., Head Teacher of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Temirgalieva Z.K., Assistant, Doctor PD of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Uzbekov D.E., Assistant, Master of Medicine of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine Tolegenov M.M.
The 2nd round of the Olympiad began with the presentation of clinical situations and presentations of micropreparations. According to the results of the competition, 6 students advanced to the next round. The 3rd round of the Olympiad included individual questions in different categories: in the form of slides and questions. All 6 students successfully completed this difficult tour. Students demonstrated knowledge of the theoretical part of pathological physiology and practical knowledge of pathological anatomy.
By decision of the jury members, the following 2nd year students of the specialty “General Medicine” became the winners: 1st place Abramova A., 2nd place Duyusenbekova K. and Biakhmetova Zh., 3rd place Bakir B., Mukhametpekov B. and Shadibekuly D.
The winners of the subject Olympiad received diplomas and certificates. In conclusion, parting words to the winners were expressed by acting. Professor of the Department of Pathological Physiology named after Professor Nazarova T.A. Urazalina N.M. and assistant of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Pruglo Yu.V. Zhakipova A.A.
Special thanks to GP intern G. Tukinova, Stomatology intern Sh. Bolatova, and GP intern Khalel A. for organizing and holding the Subject Olympiad! Each of them put a particle of their soul into this noble cause!
In the lecture hall there was an atmosphere of sincere warmth and interest of students in the disciplines called “General Pathology”!!!
Department of Pathological Physiology named after Professor Nazarova T.A., Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Yu.V.Pruglo.[vc_row dt_title=”” mode=”grid” responsiveness=”browser_width_based” bwb_columns=”desktop:3|h_tablet:2|v_tablet:2|phone:1″ pwb_column_min_width=”” pwb_columns=”” gap_between_posts=”5px” loading_effect=”fade_in” image_sizing=”resize” resized_image_dimensions=”3×2″ image_border_radius=”0px” image_decoration=”none” shadow_h_length=”0px” shadow_v_length=”4px” shadow_blur_radius=”12px” shadow_spread=”3px” shadow_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.25)” image_scale_animation_on_hover=”slow_scale” image_hover_bg_color=”default” custom_rollover_bg_color=”rgba(0,0,0,0.5)” custom_rollover_bg_gradient=”45deg|rgba(12,239,154,0.8) 0%|rgba(0,108,220,0.8) 50%|rgba(184,38,220,0.8) 100%” hover_animation=”fade” show_zoom=”y” gallery_image_zoom_icon=”icomoon-the7-font-the7-zoom-06″ project_icon_size=”32px” project_icon_color=”#ffffff” project_icon_bg_size=”44px” project_icon_bg=”n” project_icon_bg_color=”rgba(255,255,255,0.3)” project_icon_border_radius=”100px” project_icon_border_width=”0px” project_icon_border_color=”” loading_mode=”disabled” jsp_posts_per_page=”” jsp_show_all_pages=”n” jsp_gap_before_pagination=”” jsm_posts_per_page=”” jsm_gap_before_pagination=”” jsl_posts_per_page=”” navigation_font_color=”” navigation_accent_color=”” include=”” dt_project_icon_title=”” css_dt_gallery=””][vc_column]