School of Preventive Medicine Department of General Medical Practice of Semey

School of Preventive Medicine Department of General Medical Practice of Semey

Two schools have been working at the department for several years now. The School of the Clinician implies familiarization of interns of GPs of the 6th and 7th courses studying at the department, general practitioners of primary health care with modern clinical data and diagnostics of the most important diseases in adults and children, tactics of their management in the areas.

The School of Preventive Medicine conducts its classes directly with the population, choosing topics in which they are directly interested. Often, working with entire families, both at the reception and when holding assets, home visits. Much attention is paid to the issues of disease prevention, healthy lifestyle.

To date, the topic of the School of Preventive Medicine for the population has been related to refusals to vaccinate children. This problem has become especially acute during the coronavirus pandemic. Cases of refusal of parents from mandatory vaccinations, according to the “National Vaccination Calendar of the Republic of Kazakhstan” for the child population, have become more frequent. We all know that children, from birth, are protected from many childhood infections. Parents are no longer afraid of such serious diseases as whooping cough, diphtheria, measles, etc. Despite scientific progress in the immunization of the child population, a decrease in the mass spread of infection and severe complications, cases of unmotivated refusals of parents to vaccinate their children have become increasingly common. The fear of vaccination fueled by media myths has become more tangible. In connection with the foregoing, the issue of immunization of the pediatric population today does not lose its relevance. Therefore, interns of groups 716 and 714 of GPs, passing through the practical part of the “Children’s diseases” cycle, worked directly with the families of small patients who were to be vaccinated according to the calendar. In an accessible and simple form, we talked with parents about vaccination against childhood diseases, about its importance and necessity. Using visual material, the RK vaccination schedule, they showed that vaccination is the safest way to protect the body from potentially fatal diseases. Due to parents’ concern about the consequences of vaccination and little awareness of the benefits of vaccination, interns conducted interviews with parents attached to PMT No.6. The purpose of the preventive conversation was to highlight the benefits, prevent the development of severe complications in case of morbidity, and the need for vaccination. During individual conversations, interns answered the parents’ questions of interest. The preparation of the School of Preventive Medicine was carried out under the guidance of the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department of General Medical Practice in Semey, Dyusupova A. A. and assistant of the department – Terekhova T. I.

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