On October 21, 2022, a round table was held at the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Rehabilitology named after D. M. Tusupova in honor of the upcoming Republic Day holiday called “Otanym – altyn besigim” under the guidance of PhD doctoral student, assistant of the department Akhmetzhanova D. O. and head teacher of the department Nazarbekov M. S. among interns of pediatricians 601 groups, residents of pediatricians 101, 201 groups. The participants of the round table turned to the history of the holiday. On October 25, 1990, the Decree of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR No. 307-XII adopted the Declaration on the state sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR. The declaration proclaimed the sovereignty of the Kazakh SSR and declared the political and legal foundations of Kazakhstan as an independent state. The following were established as the fundamental principles of sovereign statehood: a unitary state, integrity, indivisibility and inviolability of the territory, the revival and development of the original culture, traditions, language of the Kazakh people and other peoples of Kazakhstan, strengthening of national identity. Republic Day was first declared a national holiday in October 1995. Such events are very important to hold among the younger generation. After all, it helps to instill a sense of patriotism, to learn more about the history of their country.[/vc_column_text]