Within the framework of the “Salamatty aul” improvement project, multidisciplinary groups have been created from among the teaching staff of SMU, NCJSC to provide advisory assistance to the population of rural areas. On October 26 of this year, a group of specialists left for the KSE on the REM “Regional Hospital of Aksuat District” in Aksuat village and the CGP on the REM “Kokpektinskaya District Hospital” in the village of Kokpekty of the Health Department of Abay Region, consisting of a gastroenterologist, urologist, cardiologist, traumatologist and endocrinologist.
The field team worked from October 26 to October 30, 2022 for 2 days in each district center. The visiting team included a cardiologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of therapy Elmira Esimbekova, gastroenterologist, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of internal diseases and rheumatology Shakhanov Tungyshkhan Egizkhanovich, urologist, assistant of the department surgical disciplines Bazarbekov Ratbek Zhenispekovich, traumatologist, assistant of the Department of Traumatology and Pediatric Surgery Bokembaev Nurlan Akrashevich, endocrinologist, assistant of the Department of Therapy Serbatyrova Togzhan Beibitkyzy.
In total, during the work of the mobile multidisciplinary team, 534 patients were examined, including 200 residents of the village of Kokpekty and 334 residents of the village of Aksuat, separately by specialists: 160 patients by a cardiologist, 105 by a gastroenterologist, 90 by a traumatologist, 79 by a urologist, 100 by an endocrinologist. therapeutic and diagnostic recommendations are given. Employees of medical institutions expressed their wish for the regularity of field teams to provide advice to the population of the region by specialists from the clinical departments of SMU, NCJSC.[/vc_column_text]