Erasmus+/Harmonee Spring School

Erasmus+/Harmonee Spring School

From March 7 to March 14, 2023, the Spring school of the Erasmus + / Harmonee project was held in the city of Gargnano, Italy. Under the guidance of tutors from the universities of Milan, Italy and Utrecht, the Netherlands, 27 teachers from 9 universities in Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan) worked on the development of an educational program for a master’s program in the field of environment and public health. As a result of the school, 9 modules were completed within the framework of this educational program, as well as the further development of the research project was discussed. During the work of the school, each module of the educational program was shown a practical lesson on one of the topics of the module. The latest teaching methods and student assessment were presented. The following lecturers from the Semey Medical University participated: Nazym Iskakova (Module: Introduction to Public Health), Zhanara Ibrayeva (Module: Nutrition) and Diana Kussainova (Module: Healthcare Management).[/vc_column_text]
