Participation of resident-infectionist A. Baltabek in the conference

On March 11, the educational event “International Scientific and Practical Conference “Infectious diseases at the present stage: problems and solutions” took place in Ufa. The conference was held in a hybrid mode. The thematic areas of the event were: COVID-19 – an interdisciplinary problem; Infectious diseases of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tract; Herpesvirus infections; Immunoprophylaxis…

Gave a lecture on the problem of gambling addiction, the promotion of a healthy lifestyle on the topic “Gambling and their impact on psychological health”

On February 24, 27, 28, 2023, the «Semey Medical University, a non-profit joint-stock company» of the Undergraduate School organized a meeting of students of 1-5 courses of all educational programs with law enforcement agencies. The district inspector for juvenile Affairs of the Central Police Department, senior police Lieutenant Zarina Maratovna Edlebayeva, for preventive purposes, gave…