Doctoral graduates were solemnly awarded with diplomas at SMU

On April 28, 2023, a regular meeting of the Academic Council of the university was held at the Semey Medical University, during which a solemn presentation of diplomas to doctoral graduates who passed the defense and received confirmation of the degree of PhD! On this day, 4 graduates of our university, including Kyrykbayeva Saltanat, Abiltaev Askar,…

International online-olympiad “Infectious Diseases yesterday, today and tomorrow”

On april 27, 2023, the international online olympiad for medical students “Infectious Diseases: yesterday, today, tomorrow” was held. The organizers of the Olympiad are: the Department of Infectious Diseases and Phthisiology of the Ryazan State Medical University, the School of Medicine, KazMSA, employees of the discipline of infectious diseases of the “SMU”. The following students…