On April 1, 2023, a bright and entertaining event dedicated to the Day of Health was held in the student house No. 2, organized by the assistants of the Department of Therapy of the "SMU", NCJSC.
The main purpose of this event is to promote a healthy lifestyle and the formation of responsibility for one's health. World Health Day is celebrated on April 7, a day for everyone who cares about their well-being, healthy body and strong spirit, and also strives to protect the environment and improve the ecological situation, which directly affects the development of a healthy nation.
The organizers told the children about the importance of mental and physical health, as well as the need for its timely prevention, held interesting, fun games and contests. Participants took an active part in them with pleasure and excitement.
All participants of the holiday received a lot of positive emotions, as well as a charge of vivacity and good mood for the whole day.