On April 12-13, 2023, the 65th scientific and practical conference with international participation “Science and Health” dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Karazhanova L.K. was held at the “Semey Medical University”.
During the conference, sections were held in the following areas: “General education disciplines and military training”, “Fundamental scientific research in modern medicine”, “Public Health and Public Health”, “Development of modern pediatrics”, “Modern trends in dentistry”, “Current problems of surgery”, “Modern therapy: trends and social needs” and “Poster reports section”.
At this conference, reports were presented from the Department of Physiological Disciplines of the Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after T.A. Nazarova, the scientific supervisor is Ph.D., Head of the Department Rakhyzhanova S.O.
At the end of the scientific and practical conference “Science and Health”, the reports presented from our department were awarded 1st place for the best report and awarded with a diploma of the first degree, students were awarded the 2nd year of the specialty “General Medicine” Kalelova Malika, Samand Abdulkabir.
Also in the nomination “Brilliant defense of research” was awarded the 2nd year student of the specialty “Pediatrics” Kurmanbekova Azaria, who also spoke on behalf of our department.
The scientific supervisor of these students is the head of the Department of Physiological Disciplines of the Honored Worker of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after T.A.Nazarova Rakhyzhanova Saule Oryngazyevna.
On behalf of the entire team, I would like to heartily congratulate the nominees and the supervisor. We wish you good health, success in scientific activity, new ideas and discoveries.[/vc_column_text]