“Open Day” for future rheumatologists

“Open Day” for future rheumatologists

4th of May 2023 the teaching staff of the Department of Internal Diseases and Rheumatology held an “Open Day” for graduate interns in the specialty “General Medical Practice” in the conference hall of the gastroenterological building of the NCJSC “Semey Medical University”. The aim of event to get acquainted with the Educational Program of the residency “Rheumatology adult, children”.

A welcoming speech to the audience was made byacting associate professor of the department Mrs.Rymbayeva T., who is responsible staff member for the residency of this specialty. She told about the conditions of training and the quality of education, introduced the teaching staff of the department teaching rheumatology disciplines, mentioned the availability of conditions for the comprehensive development and training of residents.

Further, the interns were presented with a video prepared by the resident rheumatologists, in which they shared all areas of training from the moment of admission: the supervision of adult patients with various rheumatic diseases in the cardiorheumatology department and children’s patients in the pediatric department of the UG NCJSC “SMU” under the guidance of clinical mentors, participation in daily morning clinical conferences, clinical reviews severe patients, rounds of the teaching staff, provision of specialized care, including carrying out genetic engineering therapy and intra-articular administration of drugs in the arthrological office of the UG NCJSC “SMU”; active participation in clinical reviews, consultations, master classes, in republican scientific and practical conferences with international participation, with the possibility of publishing abstracts, oral and poster presentations.

Thus, it was shown that residents of the specialty “Adult and Children Rheumatology” are fully involved in all medical and diagnostic and scientific and educational processes for the implementation of all types of professional activities.

It should be noted that holding an “Open Day” at the university is becoming a good tradition, which helps to interns in choosing their future profession.