On March 4, 2023, an intellectual competition was organized by students of the curatorial group of the lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology named after MD, Professor M.N.Musin Zheldibayeva Umit Toktagazievna 2213 of the Faculty of General Medicine and the curatorial group of Alieva Saule Abusofyanovna 301 pharmacy for students of the Dormitory No. 1 on the topic “Why I chose Semey Medical University”.
The competition consisted of 3 stages: an essay, a quiz question and an intellectual competition on the topic “Why my choice is Semey Medical University”.
The winners of the competition were Uzbekova Aisha 1st place, Duman Yerzhan 2nd place, Alikhan Daneker 3rd place. On behalf of the department, the head of the department Tuleutaeva Raikhan Yesenzhanovna expressed her wishes and presented prizes to the winners.