Conducting the State final certification according to the educational program 6B10106 “Public health”

Conducting the State final certification according to the educational program 6B10106 “Public health”

Students of the 4th year in the specialty “Public Health” on 06/19/2023 passed the first stage of the state exam in the form of a test exam and on 06/22/2023 passed the second stage – an objective structured practical exam (OSE) using the NCNE platform for 5 stations. The final assessment of the exam is given to the graduate based on the results of stages 1 and 2.

The State Attestation Commission for the final State attestation of graduates of the 4th year in the specialty “Public Health” included the teaching staff of the Semey Medical University and chief specialists from practical healthcare:

Chairman of the Commission for the final certification of students:  Asarbekova Zhibek Rakhimovna is the director of the «Pobeda» Medical Center, a doctor of the highest category.

Deputy Chairman of the SAC: Begimova Gulnar Kasymovna – head of the medical institution “Polyclinic No. 6 of mixed type” Semey, general practitioner of the highest category.

Independent observer of the SAC: Tuleukhanova Aidana Medetovna – Chief specialist of the department of organization of medical care, circulation of medicines and medical devices of the healthcare management region of Abai.

No violations were detected during the State Final Certification.

Department of Public Health[/vc_column_text]
