As part of the memorandum between the Non-Profit Joint Stock Company “Semey Medical University and the state institution” Department of Education of the Abay Region “on June 20, 2023, the Department of the Admissions Committee and the Medical Foundation conducted an excursion for students of the courses “Development of Subject Competences of Teachers” organized by the branch of the “Institute for Advanced Studies” of the region Abai and the “Regional Innovation and Methodological Center”. As part of improving the quality of education, field sessions were organized under the course program in order to exchange practical experience with higher educational institutions while improving the competencies of teachers.
Based on this goal, the teachers visited the Department of Biochemistry and Chemical Disciplines named after Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor S. O. Tapbergenov of NJSC Semey Medical University. Teachers of the Abai region were able to visit the walls of the University and see its life with their own eyes. The course participants also visited the Department of Simulation Technologies and the Anatomical Museum. For the purpose of career guidance work, the methodologists of the department carried out explanatory work on the rules for admission to NJSC “IUS”, about educational programs.[/vc_column_text]