In order to reduce and prevent maternal and infant mortality, increase the availability and quality of medical care for pregnant women, women in labor, maternity hospitals and children, a number of activities have been implemented, within the framework of which, on October 11, 2023, a seminar in an offline-online format on the topic: “Diagnosis and treatment of acute respiratory viral infection, influenza and pneumonia in pregnant women and children” in connection with the onset of the epidemiological season for acute respiratory viral infection, where more than 100 listeners took part. This seminar was attended by the head of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Abai region, employees of the «Semey Medical University» NCJSC, heads and deputy chief physicians of medical organizations, General Practitioners, pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, pulmonologists, obstetricians-gynecologists, anesthesiologists-resuscitators of Semey city, districts of the Abai region and East Kazakhstan Region.
The meeting was moderated by Duman Berikuly, a projector at the clinic of the «Semey Medical University» NCJSC, and Abai Toktabayeva Aigul Tolegenovna, Deputy head of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the region. The seminar was held in order to increase the level of knowledge of medical professionals in the field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of influenza, acute respiratory viral infection and pneumonia.
Presentations were made by: Chief pulmonologist of the Abai region, Associate Professor, Ph.D. of the «Semey Medical University» NCJSC Urazalina Zh.M., Associate Professor, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology named after A. Kozbagarov. A., Tanysheva G.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Immunology Tokaeva A.Z., Assistant of the Department of Children’s Infectious Diseases of the «Semey Medical University» NCJSC Dalelkhanova T.D., Head of the virological laboratory Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management “National Center of Expertise” of the Committee of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the Ministry of Health of the region Abai Bektasova A.O., Head of the Department of Epidemiological control of infectious and parasitic diseases Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the region Abai Serikbayeva A.B., Chief specialist of the Department for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control of the region Abai Kanagatkyzy A., Chief specialist of the Information Systems Administration Department of the Regional branch of Abai Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management “National Scientific Center for Health Development named after Salidat Kairbekova” of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Asanova Sh.B.
Millions of people get sick with influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) every year. Up to 80% of the population suffers from these infections every year. The most severe forms of influenza and ARVI are observed, primarily in pregnant women and children under one year old. These infections cause enormous damage to the health of the population and sometimes lead to serious complications. Hundreds of people die from influenza and its accompanying complications every year, due to the high level of variability in the antigenic structure of viruses. Annual epidemic outbreaks of influenza are explained precisely by the high level of variability of the virus. One of the main criteria for the quality of the organization of the work of medical institutions and the health care system as a whole is – infant and maternal mortality and the reduction of their indicators is the main goal of all medical organizations.
At the end of the seminar, the participants were able to ask the experts their questions and get comprehensive answers.[/vc_column_text]