Sanitary and educational work on the topic of Scarlet fever

Sanitary and educational work on the topic of Scarlet fever

On 03.11.2023, sanitary and educational work was carried out on the prevention of scarlet fever diseases in the departments of pediatrics, otolaryngology, traumatology, surgery, maxillofacial surgery of the University State Hospital of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of the Abai region, the Regional Children’s Hospital.

Under the guidance of PhD, Associate Professor Akhmetzhanova D. O., 723 groups of interns of the specialty of general practitioners reported on the epidemiological situation in the world for scarlet fever. In their reports, they reported that the disease can be transmitted both by airborne droplets and through infected household items, and maybe through the 3rd person, the disease worsens in the autumn-winter months.

The clinic and complications of scarlet fever disease are fully disclosed, the algorithm of first aid to patients is explained, special brochures are distributed to parents.[/vc_column_text]


Categories: Students