International Diabetes Day

International Diabetes Day

On November 14, 2023, at the Department of Pediatrics and Medical Rehabilitation named after D. M. Tusupova, under the guidance of teachers Dauletzharova Zh. K. and Nazarbekova M. S., sanitary and educational work was carried out with interns of group 715,716 on the topic “International Diabetes Day. Sanitary and educational work was carried out in the “Habilitation and Rehabilitation Center for persons with disabilities”.The purpose of the event: to raise awareness of the contingent about diabetes mellitus, to draw attention to the prevention, early detection and treatment of this disease. At the end of the event, information and educational materials, booklets and memos were distributed to the participants on the topics: “Basic principles of behavior for the prevention of diabetes mellitus”, “Self-government in diabetes mellitus”, “Screening for early detection of diabetes mellitus”, “Healthy nutrition is the basis for the prevention of diabetes mellitus”.[/vc_column_text]


Categories: Students