Round table “Infectious diseases in pregnant women”

Round table “Infectious diseases in pregnant women”

Most infectious diseases in the mother, as a rule, do not complicate the course of pregnancy. However, some maternal infections can harm the fetus, which can happen in the following cases: cytomegalovirus infection, neonatal infection caused by herpes simplex virus, congenital rubella, congenital toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B in newborns. HIV infection can be transmitted from mother to child transplacentally or perinatally. Without maternal treatment, the risk of transmission at birth is about 25-35%. Listeriosis most often occurs during pregnancy. Listeriosis can be transmitted from mother to child transplacentally or perinatally. Other infectious diseases also affect the course of pregnancy and the fetus.

On November 21, interns of 621 groups held a round table dedicated to the problems of infectious diseases in pregnant women. The doctors focused on the issues of diagnosis, management tactics and prevention of infections in pregnant women.

Nuralinova G.I., Maukayeva S.B.



Categories: Round tables