Announcement of D.M. Toleutayeva’s dissertation defense

In the dissertation council for the specialty 8D10101 – Public Health at Semey Medical University, NCJSC will defend a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Toleutayeva Dina Maratovna on the topic: «Optimisation of colorectal cancer screening programme and quality of life assessment».

The dissertation was carried out on the basis of the Department of Public Health of Semey Medical University, NCJSC.

The defense will take place in Russian.



  1. Smailova Dariga Sansyzbayevna – PhD, Head of Science Department of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU (Almaty).
  2. Turgambayeva Asiya Kairbayevna – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of «Public Health and Management» NCJSC «Astana Medical University», Astana.


Scientific consultants:

  1. Shalgumbayeva Gulnar Metallovna – PhD, Associate Professor, Department of General Medical Practice (Semey). SMU, NCJSC.
  2. Zhabagin Kuantkan Talgatovich – PhD, MD, Deputy Director for Development and Strategic Planning of «Nuclear Medicine and Oncology Centre» of the Abay regional health department, Semey.
  3. Grzhibovsky Andrey Mechislavovich – doctor of medicine, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Work Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Northern State Medical University (Arkhangelsk) of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Professor, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation.


Temporary members of the dissertation council:

  1. Smailova Dariga Sansyzbayevna – PhD, Head of Science Department of S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU (Almaty). Author of 6 publications included in the Scopus database (Scopus), of which 3 articles have a CiteScore percentile index (SiteScore) of at least 35 (thirty-five), with an H-index2 in the Scopus database;
  2. Dzhusupov Kenesh Oskonbaevich – PhD, MD, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Public Health. International Graduate School of Medicine, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Author of 15 publications, included in the database Scopus of which 7 articles, have a percentile score on CiteScore not less than 35 (thirty-five), with a Hirsch index in the information bases Scopus – 3.
  3. Nurbakyt Ardak Nurbakytkyzy – candidate of medical sciences (14.00.33 – public health and health care), professor of the Department of Public Health KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov (Almaty). The author of 16 publications, included in the database Scopus of which 11 articles, have a percentile score on CiteScore not less than 35 (thirty-five), with a Hirsch index in the information bases Scopus – 3.
  4. Turdalieva Botagoz Saitovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences (14.00.33. – public health and health care), Professor, Deputy Director for organizational, methodological and anti-epidemic work of the Kazakh Scientific Center of Dermatology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan). Author of 31 publications included in the Scopus database of which three articles have a CiteScore percentile of not less than 35 (thirty-five), with a Hirsch index in Scopus information bases – 6.


Protection will be held on December 22, 2023 at 12:00 in the dissertation council on specialty 8D10101 – Public Health of Semey Medical University, NCJSC at the address: Semey, 103 Abay St., big conference hall.

The defense will be held in mixed mode on the Zoom platform (conference ID – 858 1619 0671, access code – 576186).


Website address:

Scientific Secretary: Khismetova Zaituna Abdulkasimovna

Phone: (cell) +77772582681, (office phone) 8 (7222) 522094



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