30 November 2023 Serimbaeva Karina Kanyshevna – student of group 1305 of the Faculty of Dentistry took part in the forum “ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN BUSINESS COLLABORATION FORUM 2023” in Almaty with the organisation “Enactus SMU”. Upon arrival from the forum she shared her impressions: “I was struck by how well organised everything was. This atmosphere cannot be put into words. Once you visit the Enactus forum you will immediately fall in love with this incredible atmosphere. I would also like to mention that all the organisations in the different cities treated each other kindly, despite the fact that they are all competitors. At the forum we were all like one big family. I would like to mention a few memorable events that will remain forever in my memories.
- Our unique “shout-out”. Every university has one, each of which is unique in its own way. In this process, the whole team unites so that sponsors, organisers, supervisors hear the full power of the team. This is the zest of the team.
- I would like to mention the Parade of Flags. It is an incredible spectacle that takes your breath away. Flag bearers play an important role in the whole team. You can say that they represent their university. Thank you very much to them!!!
3.Most of all I remembered at the forum as we were given master-classes. There were such topics as financial literacy, how to properly express your point of view and overcome stage fright, etc. I learnt a lot of new knowledge at these master classes, which I will apply in the near future.
I was struck by how incredibly beautiful everything was. I would like to give you a piece of the atmosphere at the Enactus Kazakhstan forum. I just want to say one thing: “WE ENACTUS SMU- WI LL ALL WIN”.
Looking at the impression that Karina got from this forum, I hope that other students will participate in similar events and pay attention to comprehensive intellectual development in addition to their studies.
Group curator: Zhorokpayeva M.D.