Charity is a noble human quality

Charity is a noble human quality

Charity is a clear manifestation of virtue. Charity is one of the noble qualities of a person.

On December 12, 2023, the head of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after the Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan T. A. Nazarova Rakhyzhanova S. and teacher Shakabaeva A. A. with her curatorial group2431 speciality “Pediatrics” visited the “Regional specialized orphanage”.

The staff of the institution greeted them good-naturedly. Due to the current epidemiological situation of measles in the country, teachers and students could not meet with children, but the staff of the orphanage had the opportunity to communicate with educators.  Sponsorship was provided to the orphanage on behalf of the curatorial group.

Knowing that in our time this is a very difficult and responsible task, we express our gratitude to the staff of the institution for their tireless and noble work.[/vc_column_text]
