Curatorial hour on the topic “Rules of behavior in public places”

Curatorial hour on the topic “Rules of behavior in public places”

Curatorial hour on the topic ” Rules of behavior in public places ” was held on December 22, 2023 by the teacher of the epidemiology and biostatistics department Tukinova Assel Rishatovna for students of 429 group of specialty “General medicine”. The main purpose of the curatorial hour was to familiarize students with the rules of behavior in public places, such as university buildings, libraries, public transport, cafes and other places where they may find themselves in their free time.

Initially, it is important to explain to students that the rules of behavior in public places are an integral part of the culture of the country in which they study. This will help them to better understand and accept these rules and avoid possible conflicts or unpleasant situations.

During the curatorial hour it was noted that observing the rules of behavior in public places is not only an obligation to others, but also a way of showing respect for other people and the culture of the country they are in.