Early diagnosis of osteoporosis within the framework of a scientific project among residents of the Abay region

Early diagnosis of osteoporosis within the framework of a scientific project among residents of the Abay region

Within the framework of the grant project on the topic: “Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of risk factors for the prevalence of osteoporosis in different age periods with assessment of the quantitative composition of bone tissue using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry”, the project leader was the head of the Department of Radiology of SMU, NCJSC, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Madieva M.R., project participants assistants of the Department of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology Bersimbekova G.B. and Kanapiyanova G.B., for the purpose of early diagnosis of osteoporotic fractures in adults and children, from October to December 2023, a trip was made to the areas of the Abay region (Karaul village, Borodulikha village, Beskaragai district, Boras village). For early detection of osteoporosis, VNK staff conducted questionnaires, densitometry and blood sampling to determine 25OH Vitamin D, total calcium, and alkaline phosphatase in residents of these areas. A total of 290 people were examined. Cases of primary osteoporosis and osteopenia were identified in both adults and children. These patients were referred for further examination and further treatment. As part of the grant project for 2023-2025. In total, it is planned to examine 1,100 adults and 900 children.[/vc_column_text]
