Explanatory work on the topic: “Harassment, domestic violence”

Explanatory work on the topic: “Harassment, domestic violence”

On December 20, 2023, explanatory work was carried out with students of the Semey Medical University, NCJSC on the topic: “Harassment, domestic violence” with the participation of the inspector of the juvenile police department of the Semey City Internal Affairs Directorate, police major Bekisheva A.A. and Deputy Head of the Central Special Investigation Department of the OKPB of Semey, Police Captain Ibraimov A.E.

During the event, law enforcement representatives provided our students with information about the concept of harassment and its obvious manifestations. Information was provided on lawsuits in cases of stalking and domestic violence. The girls were left with contact numbers to contact in case of harassment. At the end of the event, students received answers to all their questions.[/vc_column_text]
