New Year is one of our most favorite holidays with fluffy white snow outside the window, the smell of Christmas tree needles, the sparkle of colorful toys and tinsel, gifts, as well as elegant Santa Claus and the charming Snow Maiden. We wait for it for a long time, and when the clock strikes at midnight on December 31, we rejoice in the coming year, hoping for better times, and are sad, seeing off the outgoing one. New Year is the most mysterious holiday, opening up the world of good fairy tales and magic. Trusting kids, busy teenagers, serious adults, grandparents – everyone is counting the minutes until the holiday, making wishes and giving gifts. Let’s all think together about the children who, by the will of fate, find themselves in an orphanage. These children are looking forward to the New Year, waiting for Santa Claus, and with hope and faith they are waiting for their wishes to come true! How I want their dreams to come true!
So, 12/30/23. assistants of the department of propaedeutics of childhood diseases of NJSC “MUS” Koishybaeva K.Zh., Zhangalieva G.M., Abayeva K.D., Tugelbaeva A.M. with supervisory groups (students 3303, 3302, 3405 pediatrics, 3122 OM) as part of volunteer activities during extracurricular time on the eve of the upcoming New Year, we visited the State Public Institution “Specialized Children’s Home of the City of Semey”, where children from birth to four years of age are accommodated. The staff of the orphanage greeted us cordially and organized a meeting with the kids. A small fairy-tale performance was presented, after which the children were given gifts (fruits, various toys, etc.). Having given the children a real magical holiday, we all received a sea of positive emotions. We think such a noble act will serve as a good positive example for the younger generation.
Department of Propaedeutics of Childhood Disea[/vc_column_text]