Academic mobility at the “Altai State Medical University”

Academic mobility at the “Altai State Medical University”

Academic mobility programme gives the opportunity to study for a certain period of time in another educational or scientific institution within and outside of their country for the purpose of deeper learning and exchange of experience. In order to implement the activities carried out within the framework of the Cooperation Agreement concluded between “Altai State Medical University” and “Medical University of Semey” NCJSC from 09 January 2024 began the academic mobility of acting associate professor of the Department of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology NCJSC “SMU” Shakhanova A. T. T. to conduct practical classes for 5th year students of the specialty 31.05.01 “Medicine” Altai State Medical University on the discipline “Hospital therapy, endocrinology” with the use of information and communication technologies and telecommunication means. Classes will be held online via Zoom. Classes will continue till 16.01.24. The classes deal with the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, differential diagnosis, indications for hospitalization and treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Students actively participate in the class, receive detailed answers to questions of interest.

Department of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology.