Despite a slight decrease in daily measles registrations, the situation remains tense. In mid-December 2023, it was reported that 22 thousand cases of measles were registered in Kazakhstan, of which more than 17 thousand were among children. On January 18, 2024, under the leadership of PhD Associate Professor of the Department of General Practitioners Shalgumbaeva G.M. and assistant of the Department of AGP Saidualiev D.N., residents of the 2nd year of study of the specialty Family Medicine: Muzhanova A.S., Sakenov E.T., Myrzаkenova T.Е. held a seminar at secondary school #30 in Semey, among 8th grade students on the topic: “Measles “. The speakers covered the clinical picture, stages, and prevention of the disease. The speakers also once again emphasized that vaccination is a decisive, accessible and effective method of combating infection. Take care of yourself and your loved ones![/vc_column_text]