As part of the new Concept of celebrating “Nauryz Meiramy”, March 15 is dedicated to charity and mercy. On this day, Associate Professor of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after the Honored Scientist of the Republic of Kazakhstan T.A. Nazarova Saidakhmetova A.S. with students 2312 of the School of Medicine supervisory group, visited a family in need of support. Congratulating family members on the upcoming Nauryz holiday, they provided charitable assistance in the form of a food package.
On the day of charity and mercy, the students of the curatorial group tried to provide spiritual support to a socially vulnerable group of the city’s population: they talked, emphasizing the importance of empathy and mutual assistance in society, entertained and organized games for a sick child. We are convinced that such good deeds in society will create a culture of charity.
Жанашырлық пен мейірімділік насихатталған бұл күнде студенттер отбасыға тек материалдық қолдау емес, рухани қолдау көрсетіп, жылы сөзбен жігерлендіріп, кішкентай бүлдіршіндердің көңілін көтерді. Дәл осындай игі істер қоғамда қайырымдылық мәдениетін қалыптастыруға ықпал етеді.