On March 18, 2024, a lecture was held at the Department of GP of the Ust-Kamenogorsk branch with the participation of a cardiologist of the first category Kayyrbekova Bakyt Zhakimovna on the topic “Arterial hypertension: the position of triplixam in 2024”. This lecture was attended by interns of the 7th-year GP, as well as the head teacher of the 6th-year department, Sh. D.Yensibayeva and the head of the department of GP Temirkhanova R.B.
The lecture was very informative, useful and well organized. During the lecture, future doctors got acquainted with new modern methods of treating hypertension and strengthened their knowledge of cardiology. Such lectures will always be relevant. Given that medicine does not stand still in development, such lectures allow you to refresh your knowledge, work out skills and share experiences