Master class visit by Professor of Kemerovo State Medical University

Master class visit by Professor of Kemerovo State Medical University

Today, a master class visit by Professor of Kemerovo State Medical University – Associate Professor of the Department of Hospital Therapy and Clinical Pharmacology V.G. Shelikhov ended. for 3rd year students of the specialties “General Medicine” and “Pediatrics” of the Semey Medical University NJSC. The master class was organized by the assistant of the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases of NJSC “MUS” Rakymgazieva A.S. The training took place online from March 11 to March 15, 2024. The following topics were considered in the discipline “Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases”: “Syndrome of increased airiness of lung tissue. Emphysema”, “Syndromes of damage to the valvular apparatus of the heart: aortic and mitral defects”, “Main renal syndromes”, “Deficiency anemia”.

The speaker explained in detail the mechanisms of development of symptoms, semiotics in a particular clinical syndrome, the possibilities of early and timely diagnosis based on physical examination data and laboratory and instrumental examinations. The training program was applied and mutually enriching for all participants.

After completing the master class, I would like to note that this is another experience of mutual cooperation and online meetings between the departments of partner universities and express my gratitude to the wonderful lecturer, teacher, clinician – candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of hospital therapy and clinical pharmacology of Kemerovo State Medical University Valenti Grigorievich Shelikhov, as well as to the management – head of the department. Hospital Therapy and Clinical Pharmacology Kemerovo State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor S.A. Smakonitina and Vice-Rector for Scientific, Medical Work and Development of Regional Health Care of Kemerovo State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Pyanzova T.V. for assistance in organizing the master class.

Categories: Master classes