Winter School for Residents

Winter School for Residents

At the initiative of the Department of Surgical Disciplines and the Department of Therapy, from 02/20/2024 to 02/29/2024, a “Winter School” was held through the ZOOM platform for residents of the specialties “Urology and Andrology Adult, Pediatric” and “Endocrinology Adult, Pediatric”. The organizers of the “Winter School” for residents are the Department of Surgical Disciplines and the Department of Therapy. Aim of this activity: Co-administration of older male patients with age-related hypogonadism to improve the quality of life of patients. In order to attract residents of all NCJSC affiliates (Semey Medical University, NCJSC; Semey Medical University, Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company), this school was held in an online format. During the winter school, lectures were given on the pathogenesis, diagnosis and rehabilitation of men with age-related hypogonadism. Aspects of non-drug and substitution therapy are discussed. At the end of the event, the head of the Department of Surgical Disciplines M.T. Kuderbayev, the head of the Department of Therapy D.A. Mansurova expressed their deep gratitude to the staff and residents for organizing this event. This school was the beginning of close contact between the two disciplines for further joint work to improve the management of patients with age-related hypogonadism