University interdepartmental Olympiad on the theme: “Stop, measles!”

University interdepartmental Olympiad on the theme: “Stop, measles!”

In 2024, on April 4, the University Interdepartmental Olympiad on the theme: “Stop, measles!” was held in the conference hall of the University Hospital of SMU, NCJCS. The organizers of the Olympiad were the Department of Infectious Diseases, Immunology and Dermatovenerology together with the Department of General Medical Practice of SMU, NCJCS. The Olympiad was attended by GP interns 606 (Belyaeva T.M.), 602 (Smail E.M.), 609 (Khismetova A.M.), 612 (Faizova A.M.), 607 (Yurkovskaya O.A.), groups that are currently undergoing training at department

In his welcoming speech, the head of the department of infectious diseases, dermatovenereology and immunology, doctor of medical sciences, professor Shaimardanov N.K., associate professors of the department of general medical practice Yurkovskaya O.A., Belyaeva T.M., Faizova R.I. wished good luck to the participants of the university interdepartmental Olympiad “Stop, measles!” and expressed gratitude for the active preparation for this event.

The Olympiad was held in order to identify and develop interns’ interest in practical and research activities, create the necessary conditions for developing the competencies of a future general practitioner, disseminate and popularize theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of infectious diseases in general.

Prize places were determined based on the results of the counting commission, and all participants in the Olympiad were awarded personalized certificates.


Shaimardanov N.K., Yurkovskaya O.A., Smail E.M.