Subject Olympiad “Pathology of Organs and Systems”

Subject Olympiad “Pathology of Organs and Systems”

On March 30, 2024, in the 2-lecture hall of our university, a subject Olympiad on “Pathology of Organs and Systems” was held with the participation of the departments of physiological disciplines named after Professor T.A. Nazarova and pathological anatomy and forensic medicine named after Professor Yu.V. Pruglo. The goal of the Olympiad is to identify and increase the number of talented students actively engaged in creative and intellectual activities, as well as to consolidate, improve and deepen knowledge in “Pathology of Organs and Systems.” The Olympiad was attended by 3rd year students of the specialty “General Medicine” of the Russian, Kazakh and foreign departments.

The head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Yu.V. Pruglo, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Shabdarbaeva D.M., Head of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after T.A. Nazarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Rakhyzhanova S. and Associate Professor of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after T.A. Nazarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Urazalina N.M. addressed the participants of the Olympiad with a welcoming speech. The first round of the Olympiad included testing students on the main issues of “Pathology of Organs and Systems” in the form of solving test tasks. Those who scored the maximum score on the test tasks successfully advanced to the next round – 25 students.

The jury of the Olympiad included: Associate Professor of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after T.A. Nazarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences Urazalina N.M., Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Pruglo Yu.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences Apbasova S.A., Assistant of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Pruglo Yu.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences Zhakipova A.A., and Lecturer Department of Physiological Disciplines named after Nazarova T.A., Master of Medicine Kanatbekova A.K. The 2nd round of the Olympiad began with the presentation of pathogenetic schemes and presentations of microslides. Based on the results of the competition, 6 students advanced to the next round. The 3rd round of the Olympiad included individual questions in different categories: in the form of microslides and questions on pathological physiology. All 6 students successfully completed this difficult round. The students demonstrated knowledge in the theoretical part of pathological physiology and practical knowledge in pathological anatomy.

According to the decision of the jury members, the following 3rd year students of the specialty “General Medicine” became the winners: 1st place Muhammad Sabir Khan, 2nd place Zhumataeva Kamila and Meyrambekkyzy Aruzhan, 3rd place Karuna Singh, Preeti Pal and Waseem Ullah.

In conclusion, the head of the Department of Physiological Disciplines named after Professor Nazarova T.A., Candidate of Medical Sciences Rakhyzhanova S.O., Associate Professor Urazalina N.M. and assistant of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Pruglo Yu.V., Candidate of Medical Sciences Zhakipova A.A. the winners were awarded diplomas and certificates. The participants of the Olympiad received certificates.

We express our gratitude to all residents of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine named after Professor Yu.V. Pruglo. Special thanks to the resident from the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk, Khalel A.. for the excellent organization and conduct of the subject Olympiad! Each of them put a piece of their soul into this noble cause!

In the lecture hall there was an atmosphere of sincere warmth and interest of students in the disciplines called “Pathology of Organs and Systems”!!!


Department of physiological disciplines named after professor T.A. Nazarova, Department of pathological anatomy and forensic medicine named after professor Yu.V. Pruglo.