The influence of parents on the choice of profession by their children is undeniable. The most important task of parents is to help the child understand his professional interests and inclinations, the strengths and weaknesses of his personality. At this stage, the child especially needs support and approval from his parents, this helps him gain self-confidence.
Taking into account all these nuances, the KSU “Secondary school – lyceum No. 7”, Semey, April 4, 2024 – April 5, 2024, invited an employee of the NJSC “MUS”, represented by the methodologist of the Admissions Committee S.A. Kaigeldinova, to a parent meeting graduating classes.
Students were provided with complete information about admission to NJSC “MUS”. Each parent received a booklet.
NJSC “MUS” expresses gratitude to the administration of the lyceum, as well as career guidance counselor A.T. Satylganov. for the invitation, which proves that the school cares about the conscious choice of profession of its graduates!