School of Preventive Medicine Rules of nutrition for schoolchildren

School of Preventive Medicine Rules of nutrition for schoolchildren

The issues of healthy nutrition are relevant for the health of children and adolescents of school age. Healthy eating is one of the main ways to promote children’s health. The Concept of the National Program of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Healthy nutrition – the way to excellent knowledge” is being implemented in our country. The main purpose of the nutrition program is to preserve the health of children, increase the awareness of schoolchildren on proper nutrition. Therefore, the next School of Preventive Medicine was devoted to healthy nutrition. The school of preventive medicine was held in secondary school No. 15 for students of grades 7 and 8. The School of Preventive Medicine was organized and conducted under the guidance of the head of the Department of General Medical Practice of Semey, “SMU” NCJSC, A.A. Dyusupova; teachers of the department, T.I. Terekhova, R.I. Fayzova, T.M. Belyaeva.