A.M. Galimzhanov’s PhD thesis defense

The dissertation council at Semey Medical University, NCJSC announces the defense of the dissertation for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Akhmetzhan Maratovich Galimzhanov on the topic: “Predicting the risks of hemorrhagic and thrombotic events in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention», specialty 8D10102 – Medicine.

The dissertation was prepared at the Department of Propedeutics of Internal Disease, NJSC «Semey Medical University».


The language of defense is English.


Scientific consultants:

  1. Yersyn Sabitov – PhD, Director of the State Emergency Hospital, Semey city, Kazakhstan.
  2. Erhan Tenekecioglu – PhD, Associate Professor, Bursa Education and Research Hospital Health Sciences University, Bursa, Türkiye.
  3. Mamas A Mamas – DPhil, FRCP, Professor, Keele Cardiovascular Research Group, Keele University, Keele, UK.


Official reviewers:

  1. Salustri Alessandro – PhD (14.01.05 – cardiology), Professor, Head of the Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  2. Yasmin Rustamova – PhD (14.01.05 – Cardiology), Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine #1 of the Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, Azerbaijan).


Temporary members of the dissertation council:

  1. Mussayev Abdurashid Abduganievich – PhD (14.01.26-Cardiovascular Surgery), Head of the Catheterization Laboratory, JSC National Research Cardiac Surgery Center, Astana, Kazakhstan.
  2. Ragy Hany Ibrahim – PhD (14.01.05 – Cardiology), interventional cardiologist, Professor, National Heart Institute, Cairo, Egypt.
  3. Üzeyir Rahimov – PhD (14.01.05 – cardiology), Professor, Head of the Cardiology Department of the Baku Medical Plaza Medical Center, President of the Azerbaijan Society of Cardiologists (Baku, Azerbaijan).
  4. Sugraliyev Akhmetzhan – Candidate of Medical Sciences (14.01.05 – Cardiology), Head of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 of the KazNMU named after Asfendiyarov S.D., Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The defense will take place on June 18, 2024 at 14:00 at Semey Medical University, NCJSC offline and online at the address: Semey, Abay St 103, large conference room.


Login Zoom Conference

Conference ID: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82539420364?pwd=aHNrOUN2czVzR3JReGFkdTFtL1dZdz09


ID conference: 825 3942 0364

Access code: 225129


Website: https://smu.edu.kz/ru/nauka/obyavleniya-o-zashchite-phd-dissertaciy-po-specialnosti-medicina/


Academic secretary: Kayrkhanova Ynkar Okimkhanovna, PhD

tel: (cell) +7777-764-08-81,

E-mail: ynkar.kairhanova@smu.edu.kz


Attached documents

1A.M. Galimzhanov. Appendices to the announcement of the PhD thesis defense