V.A. Makarov’s PhD thesis defense

The dissertation council at Semey Medical University, NCJSC announces the defense of the dissertation for a degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of Valeriy Anatolyevich Makarov on the topic: “Improving of thoracoscopic technology and predicting outcomes in the treatment of intrachest tumors», specialty 8D10102 – Medicine.


The dissertation was carried out on the basis of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Care of the Kazakh National University. al-Farabi.


The language of defense is Russian.


Scientific consultants:

  1. Kalmataeva Zhanna Amantaevna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of KazNMU named after. S. Asfendiyarova, Almaty city,
  2. Yesentaeva Suriya Ertugyrovna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Course of Oncology, Mammology, National Educational Institution Kazakh-Russian Medical University, Almaty city,
  3. Dauletbaev Nurlan Borisovich, MD, PhD, professor, head of the translational research laboratory, Phillip University, Marburg, Germany.


Official reviewers:

  1. Evgeniy Ivanovich Ishkinin – PhD, Head of the Department of Radiation Therapy, Almaty Oncology Center, Almaty city,
  2. Raimkhanov Aidar Duysenovich – PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of “Surgical Diseases No. 1”, KazNMU named after. S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty city,


Temporary members of the dissertation council:

  1. Pishchik Vadim Grigorievich – Doctor of Medical Sciences (01/14/17 – surgery), chief surgeon of the St. Petersburg State Budgetary Institution “City Clinical Oncology Dispensary”, professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery, Faculty of Medicine of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg city,
  2. Adilbay Dauren Galymovich – PhD (14.01.12 – oncology), associate professor, Medical University of South Carolina, USA.
  3. Maksat Doskhanov – PhD, (01/14/17 – surgery), Head of the Department of Hepatobiliary Surgery and Liver Transplantation, JSC “National Scientific Center for Surgery named after. A.N. Syzganov”, Almaty city,
  4. Kaniev Shokan – PhD, (01/14/17 – surgery), Deputy Chairman of the Board for Scientific, Clinical and Innovation Activities of JSC “National Scientific Center for Surgery named after A.N. Syzganov”, Almaty city,


The defense will take place on June 18, 2024 at 11:00 at Semey Medical University, NCJSC offline and online at the address: Semey, Abay St 103, large conference room.


Login Zoom Conference



Conference ID: 822 4225 2984

Access code: 419449


Website: https://smu.edu.kz/ru/nauka/obyavleniya-o-zashchite-phd-dissertaciy-po-specialnosti-medicina/


Academic secretary: Kayrkhanova Ynkar Okimkhanovna, PhD

tel: (cell) +7777-764-08-81,

E-mail: ynkar.kairhanova@smu.edu.kz


Attached documents

1V.A. Makarov. Appendices to the announcement of the PhD thesis defense