Intra-university Olympiad in emergency medicine among foreign students

Intra-university Olympiad in emergency medicine among foreign students

At numerous requests from foreign students, on May 13, 2024, the Department of Simulation and Educational Technologies, together with the Department of Emergency Medicine named after Professor Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan A. Z. Dyusupov, held the 2nd stage of the annual Olympiad “In the zone of emergency incidents” among foreign students 2, 3, 4, 5 courses of General Medicine. After the qualifying stage 1, 42 students were selected, from whom 7 ambulance teams were formed. This format of the Olympiad is held annually, which aroused keen interest among students. Participants were offered scenarios with various situations that arise during emergencies. During the Olympiad, students demonstrated teamwork skills, clinical thinking, leadership and communication skills. The scenario with a victim with an acute reaction to stress was unexpected for the students. According to the results of the competition, the team called “LifeLinkers” did the best job, “Resuscitation Warriors” took 2-nd place, and “Emergency Troopers” took 3rd place.

Authoritative members of the jury who directly work in emergency medicine were invited to judge – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Dyusupov A.A., Cardiologist of the highest category Batenova G.B., Professor, Candidate of Medical Sciences. Pivina L.M., doctor of the highest category of emergency medical services Semenenko S.A. and Ph.D. Assistant professor. Mukanova D.A. This form of holding the Olympiad caused a high response not only among students, but also among teachers. It was also proposed to hold similar competitions for interns and residents.