“The basics of endovideosurgery. Practical skills on the “LAPSIM” simulation stand

“The basics of endovideosurgery. Practical skills on the “LAPSIM” simulation stand

 At the Department of Hospital Surgery, Anesthesiology and Reanimatology, a regular meeting of the student scientific section was held on May 15, 2024. The heads of the Scientific Section were presents: Abdrakhmanov S.T., Әuyenov M.A., Masalov A.E., as well as the head of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor Aimagambetov M.Zh., teachers of the department, Doctor of Medical Sciences. Professor Bulegenov T.A., Ph.D. Professor Masalimov E.O. Chairmen and participants of the student scientific section – Hospital Surgery – took part. The topic of the meeting was: “The basics of endovideosurgery. Practical skills on the simulation stand “LAPSIM”. In the report, we looked at aspects of endovideosurgery and the history of development. Endovideosurgery is a treatment method that uses endoscopic equipment to perform operations internal organs. This method allows surgeons to perform more precise and minimally invasive interventions. The basic principles of endovideosurgery include the use of miniature video cameras and instruments that are inserted through small incisions or physiological holes in the patient’s body. In particular, we considered laparoscopic surgery, which often involves operations on the appendix, gall bladder and hernias. front abdominal wall. The participants were explained: the course of the operation, work on the instruments, clinically important points and nuances of working on the abdominal organs. In practical terms, the participants were shown the work on the LAPSIM simulation device in which the students saw intraoperative moments of laparoscopic appendectomy and themselves participated in this process. . The section participants had the opportunity to work on laparoscopic instruments themselves, developing skills in this way.

Categories: Students