International Day of the Elderly

International Day of the Elderly

Event was held at the Department of General Education in honor of the day of the elderly. There is an unusual date in the autumn calendar when the heart is filled with a feeling of deep gratitude, when you want to say words of gratitude, be especially sensitive and attentive to people – this is October 1 or the International Day of the Elderly. The traditional annual meeting was held at the Department of General Education Disciplines. Honored teachers of the University and the department became the guests of honor at this meeting. Gulmira Telmanovna Urankhayeva, Head of the Department of General Education Disciplines, addressed the invited guests with words of gratitude. A table was set in honor of the holiday, and a concert program was prepared, which became a special musical decoration of the event.  Everyone got a lot of positive emotions. The organizers of the events are Zhairbaeva Zhananur Kambarovna and the 1315 group. The participants of the meeting shared with pleasure and special warmth their memories of their time working at the University, about their colleagues and students, about how the university is changing from year to year. They noted the positive changes that have taken place at the University. At the end of the event, labor veterans received memorable gifts in honor of the holiday.

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