The reception of summative assessment by interns of the 7th year of the GP OSCE method

The reception of summative assessment by interns of the 7th year of the GP OSCE method

On 23-24.05.2024, at the Department of General Medical Practice in Semey, an exam was held by interns of the 7th year using the method of “active” and “passive” stations in the disciplines of “Internal diseases” and “Childhood diseases”. The students were divided into streams, at one time there were 8 interns in the exam area. The stations were divided into an equal number of active and passive (4:4 ratio).

At the active stations, interns demonstrated clinical thinking skills (collecting anamnesis, making a diagnosis, prescribing treatment, decoding an ECG, teaching patients how to use an inhaler and a peak flowmeter, advising parents on early childhood issues), as well as communication and manual skills.

Passive stations assumed receiving feedback on issues related to the content of the corresponding active station (prescription, interpretation of test results, dispensary observation, solution of test tasks).

The teaching staff of the department assessed the quality of tasks according to the relevant checklists.