Teaching staff of the Department of Simulation and Educational Technologies of SMU, NCJSC during the 2023-2024 academic year are actively working to organize training for university teaching staff and employees as part of professional development, as well as in the context of the current educational trend “Lifelong learning”.
In accordance with Order No. 427 of 10/24/2023 and No. 436 of 11/11.23, groups were formed, taking into account the professional interest and individual needs of teaching staff in professional development.
The developers offer PC cycles in relevant areas of professional activity:
- «Information and communication technologies»
- «Communication skills and medical ethics».
- «Development of educational programs».
- «Effective teaching in a medical university».
- «Assessment of expertise in a medical university».
The training program is adapted for the distance format: students are provided with access to educational materials in electronic form, as well as personal support. The PC cycles are designed in accordance with the andragogical principles of learning and are focused on the study of innovative and digital technologies that allow developing professional competencies in the field of vocational education without interrupting the performance of their work duties.
The implementation of the presented programs in the professional development system for various categories of teaching staff, taking into account the specifics of their professional and educational activities, contributes to improving the quality of educational activities of university teachers, motivation for their chosen profession and, in general, ensures the competitiveness of the university.