Outgoing academic mobility in residency

Outgoing academic mobility in residency

As part of the academic mobility program, 1-year resident of the specialty “Rheumatology for adults and children” Talshyn Serikova completed an internship in Nizhny Novgorod, at the Privolzhsky Research Medical University.

    Privolzhsky Research Medical University (PRMU) is a large center of medical education and science, which has its own university clinic and occupies high positions in world rankings. Doctors are trained here in various specialties.

    For two weeks, TalshynSerikova studied in the rheumatology department of city hospital No. 5. Every day there was a observe with a mentor – Associate Professor of the Department of Internal Medicine Elena Andreevna Grunina. During observe, she participated in examinations of patients, clinical analyzes of nosology according to patients, and was present at intra-articular injections. Throughout the internship period, the atmosphere in the department was supportive and pleasant.

   Every week, morning meetings of the entire hospital team were held at the PIMU clinic, during which thematic lectures were given. Our resident rheumatologist also attended outpatient appointments with patients with autoimmune diseases, where she learned a lot of new information and encountered interesting clinical cases.

In the physical therapy office, she became familiar with the positive clinical experience of using silver ion electrophoresis.

   Overall, she feels that she has had a good clinical experience and is grateful to her university for providing her with the opportunity to expand her theoretical and practical knowledge base.