Health step

Health step

On June 8, the opening of the summer sports season “Densaulyk Kadamy” took place, organized by the executive committee of the trade union organization of Semey Medical University. The main goal of this event is to strengthen the collective spirit and popularize a healthy lifestyle among employees and teachers. According to the program, the sports initiative continued first with trekking along the Irtysh embankment with a total length of 6 km, and then with swimming in the Holy Spring. A lunch was organized at our university’s sports camp and the event ended with fun relay games. Cycling enthusiasts rode bicycles presented by the union. Athletes who took an active part in the games were presented with valuable gifts.
The active participation of members of the university trade union in this event once again proves that the main position of our team is: HEALTH! UNITY! COLLECTIVE SPIRIT!
We thank the team of the Department of Physical Education for their active participation in the opening of this sports season!