On June 10-15, 2024, the summer school “Clinical Thinking” based on dermatovenerology was held in the NAO “MUS” in offline/online mode.
Skin and venereal diseases are extremely diverse in clinical manifestations. In recent years, the incidence among the child population has increased dramatically. Doctors of all clinical specialties have to deal with skin and venereal diseases. It should be borne in mind that the skin manifestations of the disease reflect changes in the most important organs and systems, pathology of internal organs, central nervous, endocrine systems, violations of the adaptive mechanisms of the body.
Dermatology and venereology have long been considered purely narrow specialties. For example, knowledge of the basics of these disciplines has become necessary in the daily activities of a clinician of any profile and the presentation of their positions should be considered one of the mandatory stages of training a doctor of any specialty.
The moderator and speaker of the summer school was Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Dermatovenerology and Immunology, MD Sultanova N.K.
During the summer school, individual nosologies of the pyoderma group, neurodermatoses, allergodermatoses, papulosquamous dermatoses, mycoses and acquired syphilis were analyzed in detail. The differential diagnosis of these nosologies is given.
The students actively participated in the discussions of the issues. Students of the Faculty of General Medicine Bibolov Elnur, natkyzy Zhanar, Altaev Nurasyl, Abdul Basit, Sacheen Agrawal took part in the Summer School offline.At the end of the summer school, certificates are issued to participants.
Sultanova N. K.